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These Photographs are supplied by the Photographer named, check their Link for Bookings.
Order the Printed Magazine HERE!!
Welcome to Stance Auto Questions and Answers
Please find below some common questions and hopefully, the right answers you are looking for, if we have not answered a question or you are still unsure please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will try our best to find you the answer you are looking for.
1. How do I join the site?
You can join the site using this link with either your social media account or your Email address.
2. Is my information and data safe?
All your information, Account details, and Email address are secure on our site and will never be shared with any third parties, please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details
3. If I join, will I be Bombarded with Newsletters?
We will never send you unwanted Newsletters, there is a link at the bottom of the site to register to receive this newsletter, which you can unsubscribe to any time you wish. Newsletters are our way of sending you important, relevant information and announcements only.
4. How do I add my car or story?
You can add your own vehicle by joining the site, watch this video for a quick guide or you can add it using this Form, we will go through your story and check for any grammar and spelling mistakes, if any, then Publish it for you if it meets our requirements.
5. How can I get featured online?
Use This Form
6. How can I get featured in the Printed version of the Magazine?
If your car meets our requirements and has a professional photo shoot to back it up, it will appear in a magazine, all cars on our site eventually go to the Printed version in either the monthly version or the Specials Editions, Sharing your online story found on our site gets you in the printed version sooner and maybe more often, to do this simply share your article link across social media, the internet and encourage your friends to comment on your article and share the link.
7. How do I join the Media Team?
We are always looking for Photographers and Storytellers, Please Follow this Link
8. Can I submit stories for the magazine?
Yes, we are always looking for News, Stories and Reviews, anything to do with the car scene or cars, Please use this Form for Submitting stories
9. Can I submit footage from car events and shows I have taken?
Yes please Email us any footage you have along with your review of the event to Contact Us
10. If I submit stories will I be named Author?
Yes. all credits go to the source of the story.
11. I’m a photographer. Can I submit my images?
No, not as just images, if you can get a write-up of the owner of the vehicle using either our Forms or the questions found on the submissions page, we will publish this and advertise your work for you across social media and in the printed magazine, this will help you both find more clients and extra recognition for your work.
12. Do you allow Guest Posting/ Backlinks?
Yes, we encourage people to take advantage of our growing audience and presence not only on social media but on the web as well, all backlinks and guest posts must be car related and our site must be entered on your Blog/Site as well.
13. How do I submit stories for you to consider?
Use the Submissions Page or Email us directly at Contact Us
14. How do I advertise in the Magazine?
Please get in touch with us directly: Contact Us
15. Do you feature Groups/Clubs, How do I submit mine/ours?
Yes, we encourage Groups and Clubs to take advantage of this feature as it helps new members find you who wouldn't have known about you, we also feature you randomly in the Printed versions of our Magazine. Please use this Form
16. What is the Google News Feed for?
Simply share your Articles and Stories in more places, helping you and any links you have shared appear in more places on Google.
17. Do you share our Articles on social media?
Yes, we take full advantage of our growing social media presence to share your stories and cars, this helps us all grow and results in you gaining more followers.
18. Do you do collaborations?
Yes, if you wish to collaborate with us please get in touch directly for details: Contact Us
19. Do you have a merchandise store?
Yes, Please find them here:
20. Do you hold car Events/Shows?
We do not currently run or hold our own, and plans are in progress for future events, but we do appear as a guest at most of the major events and shows around the world, so always watch out for our event announcements on our Facebook Page
21. Can I comment on articles I like?
Yes, there is a comment section at the bottom of every article, you can either comment direct or Facebook comment
22. How do I share an article I like or my article?
There are share buttons at the top of every article. We encourage people to do this as much as possible. This helps us and the owner of the article, you can also copy the URL found in the top search bar and post this in Bios or anywhere on social media/web if you wish.
23. Where do I get the Printed magazine from?
Currently, the Printed magazine is Published by Amazon, found here Printed Magazine, they print and distribute it around the world, Stance Auto can not be held responsible for the finished printed version, and all complaints and returns must be directed to Amazon, we are currently seeking new publishers to make the magazine cheaper, the magazine comes out every month and specials every 3 months.
24. Can I subscribe to the magazine?
We are currently not taking subscribers to the Magazine, this will change in the future and we will announce it across our social media.
25. Do you have Social Media accounts I can follow?
Yes, these can be found in the right column of every page on our site.
Facebook Group:
Instagram Page:
Facebook Page:
If for any reason you need to contact us please do, we love to hear from our readers, use the Contact Us or the new Facebook direct messenger bubble that appears on our site, or of course through social media, make sure to give us a Like and Follow Thanks.
26. Can I use the images on this site?
Not unless you have permission from the named Photographer, our watermarked Images remain our Property, those without our watermark remain the sole property of the named photographer and thus Stance Auto does not accept any copyright laws broken.
Please leave your comments in the comments section at the bottom of the page
'The future is bright as long as we can still Smell the Fumes'
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All of our Magazines can be found on Amazon, they Print and Deliver worldwide, Stance Auto can not be held responsible for the final print, and all complaints and returns must be directed to Amazon.
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