Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser

Royal Fitment brings car enthusiasts of all levels together. Explore the event's origins, mission, and the founder's inspiring journey of overcoming challenges. Buckle up for a ride into the world of #RoyalFitment

Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Logo
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser
Royal Fitment Car Show and Events Organiser

Event: Royal Fitment Sacramento 2024

Location: CalExpo Sacramento, CA

Organizer: Bob Earnst

Instagram: @royalfitment

Facebook: @royalfitment


Photographer/Author: Donnie Rochin

Instagram: @r0cean11

Facebook: r0cean11 Photography


“The Royal Fitment of stance was perfect. Passion for the preservation of all Royal Fitment.” ~ Bob

Have you ever heard of Royal Fitment? This unique car show isn't just about showcasing slammed rides; it's about fostering a welcoming community for car enthusiasts of all levels. Let's delve into the story of Royal Fitment, its passionate founder Bob Earnst, and the dedication that fuels this incredible event.

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From Dream to Reality: The Birth of Royal Fitment 

Royal Fitment's story began in 2017, with a single show in Fremont, California, featuring a modest 30 cars. However, founder Bob envisioned more than just a car show. He dreamt of creating a space where car lovers, from seasoned enthusiasts to daily driver owners, could come together, celebrate their passion for automobiles, and forge lasting friendships.

Spreading the Royal Word: Building a Global Community 

With the help of dedicated friends, Bob embarked on a mission to spread the word about Royal Fitment. The addition of "Fitment" to the name #RoyalFitment proved to be a stroke of genius, instantly resonating with the car community who were already familiar with the term. This strategic move helped propel Royal Fitment beyond borders, establishing a presence in various states and even reaching international audiences.

A Celebration of All Things Automotive: The Royal Fitment Philosophy 

Royal Fitment's core principle revolves around a shared passion – the love for customizing and expressing oneself through one's car. Whether you're a seasoned veteran of the car scene or a daily driver owner taking pride in your ride, Royal Fitment welcomes you with open arms. At the heart of every Royal Fitment event lies the idea of forging friendships and creating a sense of community – a true union built on a shared love for cars.

Overcoming Obstacles: A Story of Perseverance

Hosting car shows is a deeply personal endeavour for Bob Earnst. Being deaf presented unique challenges – communication hurdles and the inability to hear on-site sound during events. However, Bob demonstrated remarkable determination. With the invaluable support of interpreters and by meticulously creating a detailed schedule with the help of his team, he ensured everything ran smoothly and on time. This commitment to the organization and the unwavering support of his team ensured each Royal Fitment event was a resounding success.

A Vision for the Future: Expanding the Royal Family 

The Royal Fitment experience is constantly evolving. The organizers strive to ensure each city and location around the world offers a unique flavour, catering to the local car scene. Their ultimate goal? To see families, friends, and car enthusiasts from all walks of life come together and participate in the Royal Fitment experience.

The future of Royal Fitment is bright. The team is committed to expanding their reach, not just across the United States, but on a global scale. Their vision? To become a household name in the car community, synonymous with camaraderie, customization, and the joy of car shows.

The Reward of Passion: Witnessing the Dream Unfold

For Bob Earnst, the greatest reward lies in witnessing the transformation of his hard work into something truly meaningful – a thriving community that benefits car enthusiasts and fosters healthy competition. The autonomy of making key decisions, the guidance provided by experienced event organizers, and the undeniable progress of the Royal Fitment team all contribute to a sense of immense satisfaction.

But the real magic happens when the car show comes alive. Seeing a diverse group of car enthusiasts come together, share their passion, and simply have fun is an unparalleled experience for Bob and everyone involved. This sense of community and shared joy is the heart and soul of Royal Fitment, and it's a feeling that never gets old!

So, petrolheads, if you're looking for a welcoming car show experience that celebrates all things automotive, look no further than Royal Fitment. Join the community, showcase your ride, and experience the joy of #RoyalFitment for yourself!

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