Exclusive interview with Lwi Edwards
Interviews by Living the Drift Life taken from their Facebook page go give them a follow for more news on Drifting..........
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Exclusive interview with Lwi Edwards By Living the Drift Life
Instagram @_lwiedwards_
- Tell us about you( name, age, where are you from, what do you do, if you have a car project etc...) Share anything you like!
Hi my name is Lwi Edwards, I’m 18 from Wrexham, North Wales. I am an apprentice mechanic at my father's Italian specialist garage. Other than the drift car I have a few car projects such as my 1974 Fiat 128.
- How did you get involved in drifting?
For my 16th birthday my dad got me a 1 to 1 drift experience at Learn2Drift, after this 1 to 1 Andy invited me to come back as an instructor at L2D and also to get my level of driving to where it is now.
- Why is it exciting for you?
It’s really just the whole atmosphere drifting, everyone is there to have a good time. It is also exciting pushing a car to its limits!
- Memorable drifting experiences ?
Most memorable experience was probably throwing a 360 entry in my 2.8 e36 compact at mondello park. Just seeing the people that watched me do it cheering was pretty amusing.
- Have you ever sneezed while drifting?
Not that I can think of, although I probably have done at some point
- What is the car you have had the most fun while driving?
Probably my E36 Compact just because it was my first drift car and there have been many great times having skidded it!
- Worst car you ever drove?
I don’t think there is a worst car I’ve driven as such....
- Dream drift car?
Probably what we are building at the moment.......which shall be revealed soon!
- What mod would you do first to your drift car?
Definitely a welded diff!
- Who is your favourite drifter?
Hard one to say, but probably Duane mckeever just because he’s pretty a mental driver and great to watch
- Are you in it to win it – or do you drift just for fun?
Yes and no. Would like to win but also in it for the fun and banter.
- Where do you usually drift?
Was mostly at rockingham, but unfortunately this has changed
- When running at a new track how many laps does it take before you master it?
Depends on the track layout mainly. If it’s difficult then maybe about 5/6 to get the line and clips right.
- If you were going to start this over again, what three things would you do differently
- What was your worst crash?
Probably at King Of The Ring where someone spun in front of the car I was chasing and unfortunately ended up hitting the car in front of me. Wasn’t bad damage tho luckily!
- Your best day in drifting?
Probably winning the BDC Pro-Am championship!
- And you're worse?
Don’t really have a worst day drifting!
- What would you say to other people who want to become drift drivers?
Start off by buying a basic car and get as much seat time as possible. Upgrade your car as you progress and get better!
- How do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully in drift masters but only time will tell!
- Do you have a routine or ritual that sets your mind before drifting?
Not really. Just get in and drive I guess
Follow me on Instagram @_lwiedwards_ and @lwimotorsport
And like my page on Facebook @Lwi Motorsport
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