Mel Taylor - Nissan skyline r33
Always feeling like I never fitted in or was ever good enough to compete I took it upon myself to book a track slot at castle combe day in my honda civic boosted b16, and well all I can really say is that I was bitten by the bug that day that's never left and have since craved track time
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A Driver Interview with Mel Taylor
Nissan skyline r33
Instagram: @thatrocketbunnybaby
Photographer: Nikki prince
I have been a huge car enthusiast since I was 18 and have spent all my years since then building, showing, and using my cars to their full performance whether it is drifting, track driving, touring Europe winning awards, or sightseeing. Cars are my lifestyle and I wouldn't change it for the world its saved me from dark times dealing with mental health and provided many friends and opportunities along the way.
I have had my R33 skyline for 6 years now, he was a barn find and needed a little TLC, after having a little welding, paint and some engine mods the car has become my ideal learning-to-drift car. With the choice of an original Nissan colour “lightning yellow” and a custom livery, I felt this was very fitting.
How did you get involved in Racing?
I have struggled throughout my life with my nerves and anxiety, coming into the car scene at the start proved to be somewhat of a challenge…. Always feeling like I never fitted in or was ever good enough to compete I took it upon myself to book a track slot at castle combe day in my honda civic boosted b16, and well all I can really say is that I was bitten by the bug that day that's never left and have since craved track time.
My first drift day also triggered this adrenaline bug that had to be fed!
Why is it exciting for you?
This feeling you get when you are in a full race suit, boots and a helmet with one hand on the gear stick and your feet hovering tensely over the pedals waiting for that light to turn green to let you out on track is a feeling just like no other its amazing!
A rush of excitement takes over your entire soul!
Memorable Race experiences?
When I had a passenger who I'd idolised in the drift scene come out with me to give me pointers on a track day, lee barker from the BDC who if followed for a long time agreed to come out with me! I felt a little star-struck but this was my time to shine and I drove that track like I was in competition.
Have you ever sneezed in the car while Racing?
I have never sneezed whilst racing but I have while driving the artic truck I drive for a living THAT was scary!
What is the car you have had the most fun with while driving and why?
Now that's hard….
My honda civic would have to share that crown with my skyline, both serving opposite purposes the honda fills the thrill of a front-wheel drive menace and the skyline being the notorious sideways skidder.
What is the worst car you ever drove and why?
Mazda mx5 alongside the fiat punto.
Both are unreliable, slow and not very desirable
What is your dream Racecar and why?
My dream racecar would have to be the iconic ken blocks hoonicorn!!!
Who is your favourite Driver?
Ken block
Mark huxley
Lee barker
Are you in it to win it – or do you Race just for fun?
Always for fun!
Where do you usually Race and is it your favourite, and why?
Santa pod for skyline drifting and castle combe for circuit honda fun
When running at a new track how many laps does it take before you master it?
A good couple of 15 min sessions, 1st
To ensure the cars run perfectly and see how you feel about the track.
If you were going to start this over again, what three things would you do differently?
Nothing I feel I'm exactly where I want to be with the cars :)
What was your worst crash?
When my stretched tyre de-beaded on my s15 at 80mph and locked the two-way diff sending me into a spinning frenzy ending up in a hedge.
What is Your best day on the race track and why?
On the last day, I drove with the boosted b16 at castle combe forge action finale, I drive the honda to the absolute maximum knowing I was returning home to remove the engine and be ready for a b18 swap.
Which is soon about to come out as my best build yet!
And you're worse?
Jdm combe when it hammered it down with rain and my nerves took over.
How do you see yourself in 5 years?
EXACTLY where I am now still loving the cars just maybe a little more advanced at drifting.
Do you have a routine or ritual that sets your mind before Racing?
Eat, always eat and stay hydrated.
Chocolate is a secret weapon for a good boost of energy.
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