Welcome to Vaux-web

To further interest in the Vauxhall, Opel, Bedford brand and history

Welcome to Vaux-web

Check out our other sections in the CAR SCENE and our MERCH STORE

Vaux-web was set up in 2010 by Grant higgs and Ju higgs the club accepts Vauxhall, Opel, Bedford and Holden over the years We've built the club and managed to gain vboa affiliation making us a vauxhall recognised car club. 

We attend any event that the members wish to go to all over the country. We love to display and we don't care if you have a standard car or a highly modified one all the staff are friendly and we class each other as family after the demise of shows this year due to covid we’re itching to get out and show off what we've all done over lockdown and we'd love to see what you've got so come and join us we would love to meet you.

A page for information of what's happening on the main forum www.vaux-web.co.uk its free to join, however only paid members will be permitted to join the club at shows on our club stand..We ask you to stay as active as you can to keep in touch...

For Sale posts..

All sales posts must include a picture or pictures of said item or items, to also include a price for said item or items and also state delivered or collected with location..

  1. Title

The title shall be Vaux-Web

  1. Club Contact Address

The post, telephone and email contact for general matters is that of the secretary.


  1. Objectives of the Club

- To further interest in the Vauxhall, Opel, Bedford brand and history

- To provide benefits for members, including discounts etc.

- To maintain funds to cover the administration of the club

- To promote and actively display at car shows

- To organise events for club members

- To provide a online and offline community for Vauxhall/Opel/Bedford enthusiasts

  1. Management Meetings

We have a conference call where all management discuss the club and what we need to do next to move the club forward all club business is dealt with at each call

  1. Annual General Meeting

This will be held yearly in either June or July between the club managers and any other invited club members. The managers will present reports covering the previous year's activities.

  1. Records

All meetings will be minute taken and will be prepared and distributed within 2 weeks of the meeting to all parties by email or post.

Agendas for meetings will be sent out 2 weeks prior to any meeting via post or email.

  1. Finance

- Vaux-Web is a non-profit making organisation except for maintaining a level of funds sufficient to cover the clubs financial outgoings

- No-one will profit from Vaux-web finances without full club approval.

- Secretary to provide an approximate bank balance at club Gatherings

- Secretary to keep records of income/expenditure and present accounts at the AGM

  1. Liability

All vehicles, including static and immobilised exhibits, attending Vaux-Web events must have the relevant valid insurances, Tax, MOT, etc. covering the vehicle exhibited and Driver.

  1. Insurance Cover

Vaux-Web events will have public liability insurance cover.

  1. Member Conduct

If any member is deemed by the club management to have brought Vaux-Web into disrepute, a formal warning will be issued with a time and place to respond to the allegations when a management vote will be taken on the matter.

Examples of inappropriate behaviour include: -

- Personal attacks or abusive online posts or communication in general

- Use of excessive or inappropriate Language or behaviour

- Intimidation of any kind

If the defence is inadequate or not forthcoming the club reserves the right to repeat the Warning process or to terminate that member's membership of Vaux-Web

We are now part of the United Car Groups a community of car groups who have come together through Stance Auto Magazine to help make the car community a better place for the whole community to enjoy and get involved in, Organising more Events, Shows, and Competitions, across the whole community.

If you would like your Car and Story or Your Business Featured like this, Please

Email: CarlaShannon, Andz or Admin, they would love to hear from you.

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