From Single Mum to Mod Queen: Hannah's Vauxhall Cavalier Journey

Discover how Hannah, a single mum, transformed her Vauxhall Cavalier into a show-stopping build, balancing family life with her passion for cars and the Max Power era.

From Single Mum to Mod Queen: Hannah's Vauxhall Cavalier Journey
1995 Vauxhall Cavalier 

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Hannah Adams

1995 Vauxhall Cavalier 

Instagram: @That_green_cav

Meet Hannah Adams

I'm Hannah, a single mum of four amazing children: Ebony, Dade, Mia, and Damon. My kids are my biggest supporters, often accompanying me to car shows where even my toddler poses in front of cars, showing a keen interest in modified vehicles. Growing up during the Max Power era, I was captivated by modified cars and dreamed of owning one. Today, I own several cars, but my pride and joy is my glittering green Vauxhall Cavalier, affectionately named George.

From Horses to Horsepower

In my teens, I was a horse girl, lucky enough to have a pony. Despite my love for horses, I was always drawn to cars, especially those featured in Max Power magazines. I used to dream of owning a car with a body kit and crazy paint job, imagining myself in the driver's seat of a turbocharged beast.

The Unexpected Love Affair with George

Acquiring the Cavalier

This car wasn't the original plan for me, but I am totally in love with him, and it all worked out as it should. I was car shopping, looking on eBay, and watching a few Calibras at the time, all of which went totally out of my price range. I was also looking at Cavaliers, but again, all the ones I wanted required deep pockets. Then I saw George, my green Cav. It wasn't love at first sight, as I didn't like his color, so I wasn't going to buy him. However, a cheeky last-minute bid in the final few minutes won him for me, and off I went to collect him that weekend from George Street. That's where his name comes from. He was original and standard, having been handed down in a family from new and never failing an MOT since leaving the factory.

Transforming George

It wasn't long before I was looking at wheels and body kits. I found a kit for sale only a few hours away and had to have it. The same guy sold me the alloys, which I love, and I've been seeking a second set for my other Cavalier but have yet to find them. Changing the grill and headlights totally transformed his face, and my love affair began. Shortly after, the "bad boy" bonnet was added to give him a meaner look. Most recently, both spoilers were added only a month or so back. I wanted a spoiler a few inches too long, so a friend cut it in half, took a section out, and joined it as one. And who would know, as it looks great! Driving down the road, I glance in the mirror and think, "Who's tailgating me? Oh, no one; it's my spoiler."

Unique Features and Future Plans

What Makes George Stand Out

I believe my car is unique as there are not many kitted cars about these days. Also, his color is the original green with added glitter to give him that pop. More than recommended was added for extra sparkle, and there's no other like him. He was my little budget buy, and I feel blessed to own him. I smile just looking at him and favor him over the others. He's very reliable, and we take him on long trips and holidays as I know I can get there without any issues. I have a lot of plans for the future for this car. He is like a metal kid and family member, so he will never leave me. I have some very unique ideas coming for him in the near future.

Build List

  • Engine: His engine, as it stands, is the standard 1.8L. I've been working on his looks first. The engine is far from pretty, it's dusty, and I don't do anything with it other than top up what's needed when I remember. I do plan on an engine change. He will have either a 3L V6 or 3.5L turbo, both engines I intend to have. I'm just unsure which Cavalier will get which one just yet. I love the sound of both, so it makes sense not to pick just one.
  • Interior: His interior is about to be started; that's the next job. All his seats will be reupholstered with matching door cards. I'm in the process of drawing one-off plans for a custom dashboard and have other ideas I'm not about to give away just yet.
  • Exterior: His exterior has an MCR body kit, very popular and not seen much anymore. I get a lot of comments on his kit. The recently added two spoilers and his wheels are 17-inch deep-dish Dare wheels, currently black but planned to be dipped.
  • Suspension and Brakes: All currently standard but will be turning attention to those after the interior is complete. I'd love air ride, but I'm not sure it's within my budget. Either way, many upgrades will be added. He's probably never going to be finished, as they ever? There's always a new idea to add.

Who Did the Work?

I bought the parts myself from all over the Internet, mainly eBay and Facebook, and planned the color and overall look. My local garage is run by a long-term friend of about 20 years, so he keeps the car mechanically sound for me. I've had other friends do work on him. One recently resprayed him and added all the glitter, even though I was a pain and wanted more than the usual amount per liter of paint. They also added the spoiler and did a cut-and-shut on one as it was too big, but I had my heart set on not changing it, all within an unrealistic time frame. I've not mentioned names as I'm not sure they wanted to be mentioned, but they know who they are and how much I appreciate them. After all, I am a woman, and I want it done yesterday!

Future Plans

I have a lot of plans for this car, next turning my attention to his interior. Custom one-off dash is being designed and door cards then the seats and door cards will color-code. I do have an unusual idea coming that will be revealed once it's done and fitted, to get it done without others getting there first. A boot build is planned also, and I'd like the wheels dipped to make him pop more. All this alongside my second Cavalier, Georgina, who is going to start her build. The body kit and plans are ready for her.

Shout Outs

I'd like to say a huge shout-out to all those who've helped me both mechanically and aesthetically with my car, particularly for his new recent paint job. I'm not sure they want their names mentioned, so I've left that out, but they know who they are. They are appreciated, and I'm always grateful for the help and support I receive. Without them, my car wouldn't be the build it is today nor the future ones.

Dream Car

My dream car has always been the Sierra Cosworth in white, a 1986 model, as that's the year I was born. I'll never afford one, but what a machine they are. Nothing compares. I was so happy at a show recently to get a picture next to one; how lucky and amazing is that. But also, my own cars are my dreams. That might sound cheesy to some, but would I swap my current cars for a Cosworth? No, I wouldn't, so they must be pretty special to me. I'm grateful and blessed to have them.

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